Healing Dentistry

Ceramic Dental Implants


Ceramic Dental Implant - Healing Dentistry

Ceramic Dental Implants services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Dental implants are the best solution when you have missing teeth due to injury or decay.

Ceramic Dental Implants Q&A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants provide a sturdy, natural-looking and -feeling replacement for missing teeth. They consist of a ‘post’ that is surgically implanted into your jawbone to anchor crowns, bridges, or dentures.

At Healing Dentistry, the providers offer Ceramic implants to replace one tooth or an entire arch of teeth. They are also used to improve the fit and stability of dentures. These sturdy tooth replacements restore your comfort and ability to eat and speak normally.

If the tooth is infected, bacteria and toxins can spread to other parts of the body throughout the blood stream leading to many problems such as heart disease, joint problems, auto-immune disorders, cancer, and many others.

At Healing Dentistry we use Straumann Ceramic implants for the replacement of the teeth. They are made with a high-performance zirconia ceramic material, which is stronger than what we believed was the“gold standard” grade 4 titanium implants. BIO-compatibility: Zirconia is the most biocompatible material with gums and our body. Outstanding Esthetic Results: a natural looking ceramic implant, ivory-colored like a natural tooth root gives high-end esthetic. Even in very thin gingiva biotypes, they will not shine through. Exceptional surface: They have ZLA surface with revolutionary osseointegration properties, excellent healing time, and less plaque attachment for long-term implant success

What are the benefits of Ceramic dental implants?

Dental implants improve your oral health by filling in the gaps left by missing teeth. Implants are a positive addition to your smile because they:

  • Behave just like your natural teeth
  • Are highly aesthetic
  • Can last a lifetime with good care
  • Prevent bone loss in your jaw
  • Maintain the stability of adjacent teeth
  • Help to avoid gum disease and decay
  • Prevent facial sagging that leads to an aged look

What happens during a dental implant procedure?

  • On the surgery day the implant is placed into your jawbone. After the implant placement, the patient must wait 5-6 months for the implant to fuse (osseointegrate) with the bone. Once the implant is sturdy, you return to Healing Dentistry to have the crown placed on top. 
  • Sometimes, your dentist will recommend bone grafting along with the placement of dental implants. This can be necessary if you don’t have an adequate amount of bone to support the implant. At Healing Dentistry we use Platelet Rich Fibrin aka PRF, from the patient’s own blood to accelerate healing. This procedure involves drawing blood, separating the PRF factors from the blood, and adding them into the surgical sites to promote accelerated healing which make the procedure easier and less painful for patients

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

  • Dental implants are a fine choice for most people to replace missing teeth, but not everyone is a good candidate for them. During your consultation, Dr. Mitic evaluates your teeth and bone with a 3D xray to see if implants are the best way to meet your needs. 
  • Advanced gum disease or significant bone loss can require other treatments before the placement of implants. 
  • Call Healing Dentistry today or use this website to schedule an appointment online to learn more about dental implants.

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