Healing Dentistry

Sleep Apnea AKA OSA


Sleep Apnea AKA OSA - Healing Dentistry

Sleep Apnea AKA OSA services offered in Phoenix, AZ

Are you TIRED and not getting restful sleep?

Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is the most common sleep-related breathing disorder. It is one of the most undiagnosed diseases and for some people can be a life-threatening disease if left untreated!

Sleep Apnea AKA OSA Q&A

We were searching for available and inexpensive treatment for our patients for a long time, however, at Healing Dentistry we finally built a TEAM that can help IMPROVE or CURE this life-threatening disease.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax and block the airway, where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. This happens on and off several times during sleep. This causes a lack of OXYGEN which can lead to serious damage to any cell in our body.

A common sign of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring. Other symptoms are excessive day time sleepiness, dry mouth, metal taste in mouth, insomnia, frequent nocturnal urination, morning headaches, heartburn, obesity, memory loss, anxiety/depression, mood swings etc. 

Long term consequences are hypertension, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, compromised immune system, irritability, learning and memory problems, mental and emotional diseases, cancer, sexual dysfunction etc.

How we are different at Healing Dentistry?

We are passionate about doing treatment based on science and test results. We use a sleep study, or polysomnogram, to calculate your AHI index. The sleep study monitors your brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and breathing while you sleep. Sleep studies generally take place at a hospital, but we can provide you with a sleep test at your own home! That means that to diagnose OSA properly, we will send you a home sleep test for your sleep study. After the test is done, we carefully review results with our board-certified sleep physicians. We then present the results, recommend treatment back to YOU, and customize the treatment so that it is tailored just for your needs. All this only takes a couple of days!

Treatments for obstructive sleep apnea available:

One option is a mouthpiece to thrust the lower jaw forward during sleep which causes the air way to open allowing oxygen to freely flow. At Healing Dentistry we custom make a mouth piece from nontoxic materials. The most common question patients have is if a mouthpiece is going to change their bite. The answer is NO because we make an additional morning appliance which aligns your bite back to place!

Another option is utilizing the amazing, new technology Fotona laser. The Fotona laser is a non-invasiveno-painno-downtime, very effective treatment. How does it work? Laser energy is used to gently heat the tissues of the airway causing a tightening effect which helps to keep your airway open. This treatment requires no anesthesia and is quick and comfortable allowing you to resume your daily routine immediately afterwards. It is definitely the most natural way of treating sleep apnea.

What sleep data says about OSA:

  • Daytime sleepiness – losing just a few hours of sleep each night can impair your ability to drive in the same way as drinking does!
  • Memory problems – OSA patients are twice as likely to have dry mouth than those who just snore!
  • Depression/Mood swings – A study showed OSA patients were 5 times as likely to suffer from clinical depression!
  • Frequent Nocturnal Urination – many patients with untreated OSA report 6+ nightly trips to bathroom!
  • Memory Problems – OSA patients showed nearly 20% smaller mammillary bodies in the brain!

Improve your health & make a change today! We CAN help!

Get the restful, healthy sleep you’ve been missing. Call Healing Dentistry to schedule a sleep apnea consultation today, or use this website to set it up online.

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